Type Traits

xsimd provides a few type traits to interact with scalar and batch types in an uniformeous manner.

Type check:


batch type detection


mask batch type detection


complex batch type detection

Type access:


batch element type


batch mask type

template<class T>
struct is_batch : public std::false_type

type traits that inherits from std::true_type for batch<...> types and from std::false_type otherwise.

Template Parameters:

T – type to analyze.

template<class T>
struct is_batch_bool : public std::false_type
#include <xsimd_traits.hpp>

type traits that inherits from std::true_type for batch_bool<...> types and from std::false_type otherwise.

Template Parameters:

T – type to analyze.

template<class T>
struct is_batch_complex : public std::false_type
#include <xsimd_traits.hpp>

type traits that inherits from std::true_type for batch<std::complex<...>> types and from std::false_type otherwise.

Template Parameters:

T – type to analyze.

template<class T>
struct scalar_type
#include <xsimd_traits.hpp>

type traits whose type field is set to T::value_type if is_batch<T>::value and to T otherwise.

Template Parameters:

T – type to analyze.

template<class T>
struct mask_type
#include <xsimd_traits.hpp>

type traits whose type field is set to T::value_type if is_batch_bool<T>::value and to bool otherwise.

Template Parameters:

T – type to analyze.