Basic usage

Manipulating abstract batches

Here is an example that computes the mean of two batches, using the best architecture available, based on compile time informations:

#include "xsimd/xsimd.hpp"

namespace xs = xsimd;
xs::batch<float> mean(xs::batch<float> lhs, xs::batch<float> rhs)
    return (lhs + rhs) / 2;

The batch can be a batch of 4 single precision floating point numbers (e.g. on Neon) or a batch of 8 (e.g. on AVX2).

Manipulating parametric batches

The previous example can be made fully parametric, both in the batch type and the underlying architecture. This is achieved as described in the following example:

#include "xsimd/xsimd.hpp"

namespace xs = xsimd;
template <class T, class Arch>
xs::batch<T, Arch> mean(xs::batch<T, Arch> lhs, xs::batch<T, Arch> rhs)
    return (lhs + rhs) / 2;

At its core, a xsimd::batch is bound to the scalar type it contains, and to the instruction set it can use to operate on its values.

Explicit use of an instruction set extension

Here is an example that loads two batches of 4 double floating point values, and computes their mean, explicitly using the AVX extension:

#include "xsimd/xsimd.hpp"
#include <iostream>

namespace xs = xsimd;

int main(int, char*[])
    xs::batch<double, xs::avx> a = { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 };
    xs::batch<double, xs::avx> b = { 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 };
    auto mean = (a + b) / 2;
    std::cout << mean << std::endl;
    return 0;

Note that in that case, the instruction set is explicilty specified in the batch type.

This example outputs:

(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)


If you allow your compiler to generate AVX2 instructions (e.g. through -mavx2) there is nothing preventing it from optimizing the above code using AVX2 instructions.